Step it up Kanada!

Why should you help?

Although you yourself may not have been involved in Canada's history of racial injustice towards Indigenous people, it still is important that the citizens of Canada do what they can to atone for the mistakes our ancestors made.
There's a high chance that you're living on stolen Indigenous land without even realizing it. The least we can do is realize the mistakes we're making and complete as many calls to action as possible.

Petitions to sign:

Remember! Without Aboriginal People, We Wouldn't Have These:

  • Corn

  • Rubber

  • Kayaks

  • Baby bottles

  • Anesthetics and Topical Pain Relievers

  • Syringes

  • Hammocks

  • Mouthwash

  • Lacrosse

  • Snow Shoes

  • Petroleum Jelly

  • Cure for Scurvy and Upset Stomach

Important things to remember...

Canada was discovered by the Aboriginal People first, it was the European colonizers who put in place the 'Indian Act' Which controlled several aspects if their life.
Indian Act: Allows the government to control Indigenous people, or in other words.. assimilate first nations.

Residential Schools were created to assimilate Native culture. The conditions in these schools were so bad that many children died by malnutrition, attempting to escape (In turn freezing to death), sicknesses and suicide. Nun's and Priests ran these school's and often took advantage of their power and abused the children in the schools. If anyone spoke their Native language they would have to face harsh punishments..

Indigenous people are still facing hardships to this day because of their traumatic history. Many reserves don't have running water, and many people are crammed into small houses on these reserves as well.. Suicide rates in Nunavut are at an all time high, along with drug and alcohol addiction rates across Canada.

Videos that will help educate you on Aboriginal Rights!

( Made with Carrd )